The Tenth Court of Appeals
Heather Kutyba
Ashlee E. Watts, D.V.M. and Texas A&M University
May of 2018
Dazzle's case was filed in the
Texas Appellate Courts
Challenging Jurisdictional and Sovereignty claims
*Appellate Court Documents*
Kutyba- Brief to Appellate Court
Submitted 8/15/18
Ashlee E. Watts & TAMU- Brief to Appellate Court
Submitted 10/18/18
Kutyba-Reply Brief To Appellate Court
Submitted 11/05/18
Appellate Court Decision
Delivered 3/13/19
The Appellate Court will be making a determination on multiple points that will not only determine if I have the right to a lawsuit, but may also have the potential to affect the rights of animal owners and veterinarians across the state.
Most important, being the premise TAMU asserts: (paraphrased for ease)
Practitioners who work at state run veterinary facilities are immune from liability in all actions of negligence or malpractice (baring use of a motor vehicle).
That veterinary patients are property, therefore "death" should not be recognized nor should they be held to medical law and standards in the event of injury or death due to negligence.
This premise is important. There is no other licensed medical practitioner or caregiver (of any licensing field issued) in the
State of Texas, be it private or state associated that has been awarded this special status under the law.